St. Patrick's Day celebrates all things green, and for us plant enthusiasts, that's an easy thing to do! Most St. Patrick's day celebrations begin and end with the lucky shamrock. However, we know that all things green are fantastic and deserve celebration. Here are some spectacularly green plants to elevate the festivities this year.
Green Carnations
Did you know carnations can be green? These aren't dyed, like many others that are altered to fit into the holiday; they are naturally light green. Most carnations have a light, spicy fragrance, but green ones do not. Carnations grow great in containers or outdoors. They aren't too picky; they just need plenty of sunshine, good draining soil, and light watering. Cut flowers last up to three weeks in a vase, making them an ideal decorative addition.
Cymbidium Orchid
There are over a dozen varieties of cymbidium orchids resplendent in greenness. Varieties with fun and interesting names like 'Hold That Tiger,' 'Butterball,' and 'Good Hope,' display green petals with bright centers. Not only are they gorgeous, green orchids are said to represent good fortune and blessings. Perfect for St. Patrick's Day! Choose a spring-blooming variety so it will be there for the celebrations. Cymbidium orchids are available in mini or regular size, too.
Easy to care for and available in all shades of green, succulents are a perfect addition to your St. Patrick's Day decor. There are so many interesting ones to choose from; it may be hard to narrow it down. It may be time to make a beautiful potted succulent garden, or two. Or three! Burro's Tail is a favorite with its long strands of plump overlapping leaves. Dolphin plants and bunny ear succulents are adorable and fun. Guess what they look like? The bunny ears are fuzzy, too. Irresistible!
The world of ferns is vast and fascinating. They are not all frilly and feathery. While these are beautiful in their own right, take a look at some of the other vivid green fern options. The bird's nest fern features upright solid fronds with crinkly edges. Staghorn ferns grow fronds resembling antlers. And, the aptly named button fern produces long stems with multitudes of button-shaped leaflets.
What are your favorite ultra-green plants?
Blog by Jenny Dunklee, Senior Plant Expert, BloomCatch